
Since 2017, the Association has been organising the German-language debate training “Alumni an Schulen” in Lithuanian schools.

The aim of the training is to introduce pupils to the competition „Jugend debattiert in Mittel-, Ost- und Südeuropa“ and help prepare for participation in the project. 

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At the end of February this year, the Association, together with partners from 5 European countries, launched the international Erasmus+ project Debate Your Issue! (DYI) project, which aims to tackle growing Euroscepticism, disinterest in the news and the declining involvement in politics among young people.

Through the project, young people will learn to accept and understand other people’s different opinions and to take responsibility for their own words, thus contributing to building a strong community with respect for others.

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In autumn 2017, 47 Goethe Institutes in Europe came together for a joint project called Freiraum (German for free space). In order to better understand and deepen the local context, each institute chose a partner in its own country.

The Goethe Institute in Vilnius invited our association to become a partner in this project, and so we became involved in this international project.

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For two years in a row, we were delighted to have the opportunity to invite students from grades 9 to 12 from all over Lithuania to a German debating camp, where we debated, improved our public speaking skills, deepened our knowledge in topical workshops and, most importantly, networked with each other.

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Almost every year, we organise a multi-day academic event for our members, where they share ideas and make presentations on relevant topics.

The aim of the Winter Academy is to bring together the members of the Association and to create a space for knowledge exchange, discussion and presentations.

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