Safe Internet

On 9 February 2021, our Association, together with the National Agency of Education and the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania commemorated the Safer Internet Day. It is a day marked by a series of events around the world to raise awareness of current digital challenges and promote safer use of the internet and digital technologies, especially for children and young people. As part of the commemoration, our association took part in the event “Building a safe internet together”, which was broadcast live on LRT. 

Winter academy

On 27-28 December 2019, the members of the Association met in Kaunas to exchange ideas and discuss relevant topics. The aim of the Winter Academy is to bring together the members of the Association and to create an environment for exchanging knowledge, discussions and listening to presentations. During the Winter Academy, members of the Association studying, working and interested in various fields gave short presentations, followed by an invitation to discuss and ask questions.

Debate: “Should intensive livestock farming be banned in Lithuania?”

On 20 October 2020, together with the Goethe Institute, we organised a public debate on the topic “Should intensive livestock farming be banned in Lithuania?”. The debate was part of German language days 2020 „Ö kaip öko?”, on the topic of sustainability. The event took place in the Great Hall of the Adomas Mickevičius Library of Vilnius County.


In fall of 2017, 47 Goethe Institutes in Europe came together for a joint project called Freiraum (German for free space). In order to better understand and deepen the local context, each institute chose a partner in its own country. The Goethe Institute in Vilnius invited our association to become a partner in this project, and so we became involved in this international project.