Members of the Board

The Board of the Association “Jaunimo debatai” is elected each year at the general assembly. It consists of five individuals who, during their one-year term of office, take care of all organisational matters, implement their projects and ideas, and invite the whole community to get involved in the Association’s activities!

A brief introduction to this year's Board Members:

Sergej Stoma

President of the Association

Sergej is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Politics and Humanities at Sciences Po, Paris Institute of Political Science. You can contact Sergej for any questions regarding membership of the Association.

Emilė Paskočimaitė

Member of the Board

Member of the Founding Board, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Educational Sciences from Ludwig-Maximillian University of Munich (LMU). She is also currently pursuing Master’s degree in Educational Sciences at Humboldt University in Berlin. If you have any general questions, ideas or suggestions, please feel free to contact Emile!

Povilas Gembickis

Member of the Board

4th year student of the Bachelor’s program in Political Science at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science in Vilnius University (VU TSPMI). In 2017-2018 studied Political Science at the University of Vienna, Austria. He will mostly focus on the organisation of public and international projects. You can also contact Povilas for general questions about the Association.

Viltė Sinkevičiūtė

Member of the Board

In 2021, she was a trainee at the Association and an active participant in the Debate Your Issue project. She is currently studying Political Science at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University. She will be responsible for the representation of the Association on social platforms in the Council.

Vitalijus Dobrovolskis

Member of the Board

4th year Bachelor’s student in Computer Science at Aachen University of Applied Sciences. He is a long-time alumnus of the Association and, after a year in the Advisory Committee joined the Board of the association. He mostly helps to solve various technical issues.

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is made up of active association members. They contribute to the organisation, idea generation and implementation of various projects. Also, the Committee works closely with the members of the Board preparing communication strategy plan, creating banners and other design solutions and solving other technical issues.

Rūta Vyšniauskaitė

Member of the Advisory Committee

Active alumna, winner of the 2018 “Lesefüchse” finals in Lithuania. Currently studying Political Science at the University of Birmingham. She will be responsible for the representation of the association on social platforms.

Vilija Sviderskytė

Member of the Advisory Committee

Winner of the national final of the International Youth Debate competition in Lithuania in 2019, training leader of “Alumni an Schulen” and architecture student at RWTH Aachen University. Vilija contributes to improving the image of the association on social media platforms and organising various events.